How Do I Add Custom Body Parts for Serial Total Body Photography?

Within your Total Body Photography settings you have the ability to adjust the poses, templates, and order in which body parts are imaged to best support your practice’s workflows. You can also add, rename and reorder custom body parts that are not listed. To edit your TBP Body Part Settings follow the instructions below:

  1. Click your profile in the top right corner and select Manage Clinic from the drop-down menu. If you are a part of an Enterprise, select Manage Enterprise option. 
  2. Click the TBP Body Part Settings from the side menu. Here, you can select the preferred body poses for your patients along with the number of defined body segments.
  3. Select which pose you would like your patients to take when capturing total body images. This will be the same for all patients across your practice. 
  4. Select your Template. We currently offer two body templates: Simplified (14 body parts) and Extended (30 body parts). To customize a pre-existing template, or create your own, click the Customize button under the respective template.      
  5. To add a custom body part, select themceclip1.png icon in the top right corner.
  6. You will see a new tile created below the body poses. To update the custom body part’s name, select the respective360051469194icon. Repeat the steps to add more custom body parts.
  7. Once you are satisfied with your updated body parts, click Next.
  8. Drag and drop the body parts in the order you wish to have total body imaging performed on the DermEngine app.   
  9. Click the360052357053 icon to exclude a body part from the imaging process on the DermEngine app. All excluded parts will be moved to the bottom of the page, and can be re-added by clicking the360052357893 icon.
  10. Click Finish when complete.
    Note that these changes will affect all members of your virtual practice, and may affect the assignment of existing Total Body Photography images in your accounts. When ready, click Confirm Changes.                                                                                                                                                   360051457074