How Do I Navigate My Teledermatology Inbox?

The Telederm Inbox is useful for viewing all of your teledermatology cases, diagnoses, and statuses in a centralized location. The following instructions will show you how to download your Telederm cases as a .csv file. 

  1. Click the Telederm Inbox button in the top menu bar.
  2. Here, you are able to view the patient's name, age, spot profile, image submission date, provider, clinical diagnosis, diagnosis date, and communication method for notifying the patient about their report.

  3. Using the search bars along the top of the page, you are able to locate a case by:
    1. Patient
    2. Provider
    3. Current status: New, Reviewed, Done and All
    4. Submission and diagnosis dates

  4. If you are interested in seeing the spot profile of a patient, simply click on the Spot Number under the Spot column. You will be redirected to the patient's spot profile, where you can view any notes, past procedures, images, or diagnoses.

  5. To view the patient’s case, click the View Case button under the Dx column. If you’ve already provided a diagnosis for that particular case, an icon will appear next to the text indicating the result of the report (such as “no concern today”, or “biopsy/excision”).

  6. Once you’ve added your diagnosis, you have the option of notifying the patient about their results via text (SMS) or email by clicking one of the two respective icons under the Notify Patient column.

    When clicking the email icon, you will have the option of selecting the patient's email address, as well as any additional information you'd like to include in the message.

    Similarly, when sending results via text, you will be able to select the patient's phone number and add any additional information.

  7. Once you have submitted your feedback, the patient will receive an email along with a push notification on the app. If they have not seen the report after a lengthy period of time, you also have the option of sharing the PDF report with them via Email or SMS (text).
    Under the Notify Patient column, you will be able to monitor which methods of communication you have reached out to your patient with. Both methods send a report directly to the patient, which is password protected by their Date of Birth in the “YYYYMMDD” format. When sending a report via text or email, text will appear underneath stating that the patient was sent their report.

  8. Once all of your desired information has been filled out, you have the option of switching the Status switch from Pending to Done. (Note that in order to be able to switch the status a diagnosis and notification method must be completed.)