How Do I Navigate The Clinic Analytics Feature? (Enterprise)

DermEngine’s Clinic Analytics features allows you to enhance your business intelligence data to improve the clinic’s workflow through performance tracking, easy report creation, and simplified data visualization. Follow the steps below to learn how to get the most out of your Clinic Analytics:

  1. Click your profile in the top right corner, then select Enterprise from the drop-down menu.
  2. You will be automatically direct to the Enterprise Analytics tab.  In the top half of the page, you can see your total number of clinics, doctors, patients, images and diagnoses. Here you can view the summary of all your clinics.  
  3. To view Clinic Analytics, select your Clinic. 
  4. Here, you have the option of choosing whether you display the analytics for the Clinic, All Providers, or a single doctor. Below are graphs which display the clinic's number of patients, images and diagnoses. Each of these graphs can be customized to show information from different time intervals depending on your preference. 
  5. Additionally, you can set the graph to show cumulative data for a location, all providers or a single doctor. When this is used, information on the graphs will be added cumulatively for each progressing data point.  At the bottom are color-coded pie charts to show statistics on number of Actions and Top Diagnoses to provide you with further insights.